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A company called Mt Gox was once the biggest crypto exchange on the planet - until it was compromised and hundreds of thousands of bitcoin. Pay on Geox with Crypto. Buy Geox Gift Cards with Bitcoin, Lightning, Ethereum, Binance Pay, USDT, USDC, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Dash. Instant email delivery. Gox � one of the first and, at one time, the largest crypto exchange in the world � was hacked in Hackers made off with , BTC, a sum.
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Gox abandons rebuilding plans and files for liquidation: WSJ". New evidence presented in April by Tokyo security company WizSec led them to conclude that "most or all of the missing bitcoins were stolen straight out of the Mt. On September 21, , MtGox announced that the deadline for payments to be finalized had been pushed back one year, and that the new promised end date is October 31, , although they may begin before the end of for creditors who have provided all necessary information in good order. It never did.